A total of “11 Somali pirates” had taken the crew hostage, the navy said.Photographs released by the navy showed commandos boarding the fishing boat at night, then standing with rifles over a group of Somali pirates, the men kneeling at their feet with their hands tied behind their backs on the ship’s deck.The rescue took place just 36 hours after India said its forces had freed 17 crew members on the Iranian-flagged Iman fishing vessel, also taken by Somali pirates.The Indian warship, INS Sumitra, swiftly responded to distress calls, initiating a daring mission to rescue crew members held captive by pirates.
The Indian Navy has once again proved its commitment in the region to act against all maritime threats in order to ensure safety of all mariners and vessels at sea”, Navy Pointed.

The successful operations of INS Sumitra serve as a testament to the Indian Navy’s unwavering dedication to safeguarding maritime interests and ensuring the safety of seafarers navigating through perilous waters plagued by piracy threats.