Are you a green tea drinker for weight loss? Do you think green tea is healthier and has no caffeine compared to regular tea and coffee?If so, you are not alone. There are many people who think like this. Green tea is a drink that has many health benefits.Let’s see what are some of the misconceptions about green tea. Many have been drinking green tea for weight loss. However, having green in excessive amounts can cause acidity in your stomach. There is another misconception that green lacks caffeine content but it is not green tea contains caffeine and excessive amounts can cause acidity.Most people have realized that green tea cannot help you lose weight overnight. Green tea does not burn fat. No weight loss. Green tea is like any other drink. However, green tea certainly has many benefits.Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Especially catechins.But tea, black tea and herbal tea all have special health benefits.Green tea has many health benefits. High levels of antioxidants prevent cell damage.Improves overall health. Green tea can also help improve heart health.