In Gurugram, Haryana, three managers and one accomplice from Kotak Mahindra Bank have been arrested for their involvement in a Cyber fraud scheme. The accused individuals are Mohit Rathi (25), Mahesh Kumar (27), Vishwkarma Maurya (26), and Hayat (23) from Nuh, Haryana.
The three managers, Mr. Rathi, Mr. Kumar, and Mr. Maurya, were employed at the MG Road branch of Kotak Mahindra Bank. Rathi served as an assistant manager, while Kumar and Maurya held positions as deputy managers. Hayat, closely associated with the mastermind of a cyber fraud gang, played a crucial role in obtaining bank account details from the managers and providing the information to the gang, according to DCP (Cyber) Siddhant Jain.
During their seven-month tenure at Kotak Mahindra Bank, the accused opened approximately 2,000 bank accounts. Their modus operandi involved deceiving locals in Bilaspur, leading them to open new bank accounts under their names. These accounts were then used to commit cyber frauds.
The investigation into the cyber fraud began when a resident filed a complaint at the cyber crime police station in Manesar on November 18 of the previous year. The complainant reported falling victim to a scam where he received a call claiming that his son had been admitted to a hospital. He was asked to transfer ₹10,000 for assistance, which he did. Later, he realized he had been cheated.
Subsequently, an FIR was registered, leading to the arrest of Mr. Rathi on February 21, Mr. Kumar on February 22, and Mr. Vishwkarma and Mr. Hayat on a later date. Two mobile phones were recovered from their possession during the arrests.
DCP Siddhant Jain stated that the ongoing questioning of the accused is aimed at obtaining details of the bank accounts opened by them. The arrests shed light on the vulnerabilities in the banking system and highlight the need for enhanced security measures to prevent cyber fraud in financial institutions.
The case serves as a reminder of the importance of being cautious and verifying information, especially when receiving unsolicited calls or messages related to financial transactions. Authorities are working to strengthen cybersecurity measures to safeguard individuals and their assets from such fraudulent activities.