It is a big relief for Patients who are taking regular therapies for disease like diabetes as it will lower the burden on their pockets by cutting cost by whooping…
Breaking the Silence: The Mysteries of PCOD and PCOS Revealed
by Aman Niranjan 3 minutes readThe Stealthy Invader – Decrypting PCOD and PCOS Here, in a world where women’s health issues remain forever lurking around the corner of blindness and darkness; here shines forth amidst…
5 Foods to Sing Lullabies for Your Sleeping Head
by Haqiqi Newsby Haqiqi News 2 minutes readAmidst the whirlwind of modern life, a night’s sleep can feel like something that only happens in faraway lands. Many people go through their days as insomniacs in need of…
JN.1 variant rise: Navigating Next Chapter of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic
by Aman Niranjan 2 minutes readThe storm is upon us! In a single month the omicron lineage’s JN.1 variant has swept around much of the world, from virtually non-existent to its current 27 % prevalence…
Incorporating a variety of fruits into your winter nutrition can enhance the pace of your weight loss efforts. Explore these seven delightful fruits that can contribute to your weight loss…