पैरासिटामोल एक ऐसी दावा है जिसे लोग बुखार या सिरदर्द होने पर अक्सर डॉक्टर की सलाह के बिना ले लेते हैं। हालांकि, विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि यह आदत गंभीर…
Social media spotted PM Modi’s photo ‘Missing’ From Vaccine Certificates
by Amrita Duttaby Amrita Dutta 3 minutes readPM Modi’s photo is currently missing from the COVID-19 vaccine certificates, after AstraZeneca reported in the UK High Court that its vaccines can have rare side effects. Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca…
Study Reveals Impact of Snacks Size on Eating Speed and Sodium Intake
by ANSHU GUPTAby ANSHU GUPTA 6 minutes readIn the realm of nutrition and dietary behavior, the size of our snacks plays a pivotal role in influencing how quickly we consume them and the amount of sodium we…
Understanding Kush: The Zombie Drug That Led Sierra Leone to Declare an Emergency
by ANSHU GUPTAby ANSHU GUPTA 4 minutes readSierra Leone, a West African nation, is currently in the throes of a substance abuse crisis so severe that it has prompted a national emergency. At the center of this…
World Health Day 2024: 5 Easy Lifestyle Tips to Boost Your Health
by ANSHU GUPTAby ANSHU GUPTA 6 minutes readAs we celebrate World Health Day in 2024, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on our lifestyle choices and consider simple yet effective ways to enhance our overall well-being. Taking…