Glaucoma will affect your eyes when the optic nerves in your eyes get damaged, which is a group of eye conditions that can cause blindness. Almost twelve million people in India are affected by the same disease. This disease won’t show any symptoms in the early stages; in the later stage, it can even lose eyesight. There are mainly four types of glaucoma. Mainly these can be detected only by eye tests; that is open glaucoma. Headaches and blurred vision are part of the symptoms of open glaucoma. Narrow-angle glaucoma occurs when the structure inside the eye that allows fluid to drain normally from the eye becomes restricted. Redness in the eyes, severe pain, and headaches are the symptoms of narrow-angle glaucoma. The other type is secondary glaucoma which is caused by diabetes, infections, or accidents. Congenira is a condition in which the outflow tract of the aqueous humor is not formed properly at birth. People with diabetes, people who use glasses for myopia and hypermetropia, people who use steroid medication, people with a family history of glaucoma, people with thyroid problems, and people with eye injuries are all at high risk of glaucoma.