In the digital age where information reigns supreme as the ruler, financial freedom, literacy asserts itself as the cornerstone of economic empowerment. However, a staggering revelation from an S&P survey, as…
Aman Niranjan
Aman Niranjan
Your career is not decided by the future its decided by the work you do now. Being a journalist of a future giving you the knowledge now is my duty. Passionate to help the people and make them connect to the world by giving them the information.
SpiceJet Chief Ajay Singh Incorporates Busy Bee Airways in his Financial Battle for Bankrupt Vistara
by Aman Niranjan 2 minutes readTo change the face of the aviation industry in India, the visionary leader of the SpiceJet, Ajay Singh and Busy Bee Airways, has applied together to obtain the bankrupt airline…
TV legend Kavita Chaudhary, well-known for Surf commercials and ‘Udann’, dies at the age of 60
by Aman Niranjan 3 minutes readThe Indian entertainment industry is saddened beyond words over the demise of Kavita Chaudhary, who holds a special place in their hearts due to her standout performances in popular shows…
Supreme Court Shreds Electoral Bond Scheme: A victory for Democracy Agents
by Aman Niranjan 3 minutes readThe Supreme Court has changed the landscape of electoral bonds by annulling the controversial plan, which is undoubtedly a boon for supporters of transparency and a setback for dark politics.…
Press Release
Trinity Institute Celebrates it’s Grand 10 Convocation in New Delhi
by Aman Niranjan 5 minutes readNew Delhi Today, Amidst applause and cheers the Trinity Institute of Professional Studies (TIPS ) celebrated its tenth annual convocation at the Amphitheatre of Deen Dayal Upadhyay College ,Delhi University.…