Napkins, tampons, menstrual cups, and so on.. there are several choices for what should be used during periods. Napkins were in the market for a long time and in India, most of the women started to use napkins during their periods. There are several choices available for napkins in the market too. Then later on tampons and menstrual cups entered the Indian market. Nowadays menstrual cups are getting more attention and many women have started to use them during their periods. Using menstrual has several benefits and it is getting more and more recognition in the market.
Menstrual cups became more convenient for many women and it almost put a stop to the rashes, leakage, and many other struggles. But do you know without proper maintenance it has its risks? Many women are saying it is more convenient than menstrual pads and it prevents leakages and now the periods are felt more safe. In most cases, menstrual cups are safe, and if the manufacturers are following the criteria, the menstrual cup is safe to use. However, there are some measures everyone should be conscious of while using menstrual cups. It should be removed before twelve hours and using it for more than 12 hours continuously will cause you infection. Many health practitioners have suggested that while removing the menstrual cup you should be cognizant and try to pull it gently otherwise it is creating some issues in your uterus. Always sterilize your cups after your use and keep them in a cool and clean space. Infections are mainly causing due to keeping it in an unhygienic space or using it for more than twelve hours. It may be painful while inserting the cup but be a little gentle and remove your fingernails, which may cause you small injuries. For a safe period, try to find the apt-size cups and sterilize them before using them. Try to remove the cup within twelve hours and before removing and inserting, clean your hands using soap or handwash. Rarely the menstrual cups causing infections and pain but if you feel any infection by using the cup, try to consult with a doctor.