The United Nations hailed India’s advancement in the Human Development Index ranking. Caitlin Wiesen, the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) country representative stated, “India has shown remarkable progress in human development over the years. Since 1990, life expectancy at birth has risen by 9.1 years; expected years of schooling have increased by 4.6 years; and mean years of schooling have grown by 3.8 years. India’s GNI per capita has grown by approximately 287 per cent.”
HDI basically is the evaluation of the average achievements in three basic dimensions of human development – long and healthy life, access to education, and decent standard of living.
The HDI report displayed that India’s average life expectancy has reached 67.7 years in 2022, a slight improvement from 62.7 years in the previous year.
Also, India’s gross national income (GNI) per capita has also increased to 6951 dollars, showing a 6.3 per cent rise in just 12 months.
The report also showed a rise in expected years of schooling, reaching 12.6 per individual.
India’s position in the HDI for 2022 has displayed a little improvement as the country is now positioned at 134 out of 193 countries compared to its previous ranking of 135 out of 191 nations in 2021.
The report also demonstrated that the country’s Gender Inequality Index, or GII, is 0.437 currently, which is even better when compared to the global average.
In the GII list, countries are ranked on three key dimensions – reproductive health, empowerment, and labour market participation. In terms of gender inequality, India’s ranking is 108 out of 166 countries.
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