People experiencing long standing COVID have been recorded to have deficit memories and cognitive efficiency. The held with more than 140,000 people in summer 2022 revealed that people suffering from COVID 19 or has a history of COVID has impact on cognitive and memory abilities and it lasts for a year or more after the infection.
people with unresolved symptoms has persisted more than 12 weeks and had more significant deficits on tasks that involves memory , reasoning and exicutive functions. Scientist reviewed that this “brain fog” has a quantifiable impact.
Last year study held by office of National statistics estimated about 2 million people of UK was experiencing self reported long COVID . Previously I Imperial college analysis found that over tens of thousands people in England may have symptoms that have lasted a year or more than the infection.
the latest study recruited more than 140,000 population from original React Cohort which was launched in April 2022, participants are given online cognitive tests that were designed to test memory, reasoning and covering the other aspects of brain functioning. About 3.5% of cohort had experience the symptoms that has reported to persist over 12 weeks and 2/3rd of them still have some symptoms of “brain fog”.
The analysis found samll deficits that was a year or more after the infection has occurred and no longer has symptoms . The difference between people who were infected before by COVID and people who were not is 3 IQ points.
For the individual this size change is unlikely to be noticeable , scientist has explained that they have experienced more pronounced effects. Most encouragingly those who has longer lasting symptoms that has resolved showed comparable deficits to those who has experienced mild or shorter duration of illness.