In New Delhi, three teenagers allegedly murdered a man. This incident took place in Badarpur Area during the early hours of January 10. According to Police Investigation, the teenagers stabbed the victim multiple times and then dragged him across the road until he took his final breath. NDTV has reported that the Police arrested five individuals since. The deceased has been identified as Gaurav, a resident of Gautampuri. He was stabbed approximately 25 times around 2:30am on Wednesday.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of South East, Rajesh Dev stated that two-head constables noticed the suspects attack the victim. The offenders tried to flee but the Police caught them with the aid of another Police team that blocked them from the other end. Three of the 5 offenders were caught immediately after the incident while 2 of them were caught afterwards. Later, three of the five members were identified as minors.
Gaurav was stabbed with a sharp object and the motive behind the murder is unknown. His body has been sent to AIIMS(All India Institute of Medical Sciences) for post-mortem. The five people involved in the case are currently in judicial custody. Police investigation is ongoing.
There is a high possibility that the murder was related to a past-argument among the six individuals. Delhi continues to be the Crime Capital of India with about 509 murder cases registered in 2022 according to statistics released by the Times of India. It is absolutely shocking to witness young-boys be involved in such terrifying crimes. The accused made sure that the victim did not survive the incident at all. Was this incident a fight for power and control? Did the offenders want to rob Gaurav? What was the exact reason behind the killing? We shall found out once more information is released.